2011年6月7日 星期二

Final Exam

I personally find this final exam challenging and  I am almost a hundred percent sure that Mr. McCool knows it. That's the reason for us to write this journal entry anyway, to pour out confessions and readjust stufy habits. Fine by me. Even though this is not the main part of this journal entry, but for those who kew me well enough, I like to go off topic. Anyway, the study of the final exam is sort of last minute. I spent last week preparing for my french and math final exams, weekends for Science, and have only one day to prepare for the English final. Next time, perhaps I should squeeze in a little titer. Now getting back on track, no  I wasn't excactly ready for the final exam. 1) Poetry is challenging, and I have no energy to care. 2) The materials should be spent more time on. Instead of spending only one class discussing about Paul Reveere, perhaps we can spend two. Ironc to say, the parts that I am most confidient about this test are the quesitions about Paul Reveere. The one that I find most challenging is the final essay question that nearly blew my head off. If the teadher had said as he was passing out exams " Don't worry,  it's verry easy", I would probably feel indifferent. Cause that's what he says everytime. It's like a greeting, only an unwanted greeting for a test yet to come.

2011年6月5日 星期日

Heroism Today

Not until the last breath of human kind, heroism will never be dead. Reason? Simple and easy. We desire. We desire for a number of things: money, gold, beauty, popularity, intelligence, freedom, love...etc. Yet the one bad thing about desiring is that you don't have what you desired, ( stating the obvious...haha) that is how the word came about in the first place. So we little ones who carely has no clue to acheive our desires would look up to those experienced people who had already accomplished their goals. For example, If Jane desired money, her hero would probably be BIll Gates who makes a ton of money. If Hraddk desired beauty, her hero would probably some super model across town. Anyway, you get my idea. As long as there are humans with brains that still function, there will be desire, and there will be heros. Heros in today's society don't neccesarily have to be brave or all too mighty, and they no longer represents the nations' interest as a whole. Instead( as I've stated previously), it represents the interest of each individuallity. That, in some way can be a good thing since people it sets each individual different( Sorry for this line, I really am running our of idea to put on the blog).

2011年6月2日 星期四

True or False?

I think sometimes in certain circumstances, altering the truth is actually necessary in order to create a better work of art. A sand truth about a work of art is that is not how it was drawn or the value of it that counts, but how others criticize them. A good art work can simply be something that the public favored in general, and what was considered bad art work can simply be things that may be something that exceeds the public intelligence and profoundness. Now before you start throwing your fists in the air and prove me wrong, I'll tell you that does not go for all artworks, the literary ones especially. One hard thing about literary texts is the identification of which matters more? THe truth? Or the popularity? Do I want this novel to be truthful yet tedious, or interesting yet fake? This is a very hard decision, but the writers often go for the second choice. Since well, without sells, no writing. And again, this does not go for all cases. A famous example for altering the truth is an infamous chinese novel which English name I struggle to recall , but I think it's " The three empire war"??? Which is supposedly based on a chinese time period of chaos when three heroic figures rose from the bottoms of the endless pits China was in to unify their country. This novel, though very interesting, is not entirely based on fact but rather the reader's interests. Which is why this book is still a very debatable issue today. True or False? You make the decision.

2011年5月31日 星期二

Independent Reading Project Reflection

In this Independent reading project, I learned quite a bit about the arts and the effective way a writer's usage of personification. I also learned some common sense  such as 1) spray paint stinks, 2) Elevation always looks good on a model, and 3) Never leave your work till the last minute. If I were to characterize my effort, I would say that I worked hard but can still do better. Parts of my essay and visual art is lousy and funny looking due to the fact that I didn't spend more time on it. I also feel that my project can be more well designed and artistic( though I'm a terrible artist, but I've still got to try.) To be quite honest, I did not exactly like this project due to the fact that I'm a terrible artist. And forcing a terrible artist to do a huge art work is just plain cruel, perhaps next time we can do a different project. With computers, maybe. Right now, I felt that the exercise should be worthwhile but I won't be giving my final answer until my grade comes out. I think this project can go deeper by allowing more elements of the plot. I think we can make a better project by continuing where the story had left off. Like the second volume of the book. I think that would be more fun than a simple plain book report and a project. I think we can right the second book in a with a nice cover and everything. That, will definitely be a thrilling project artisan or not.

2011年5月29日 星期日

Sands of time

Who leaves foot prints behind? My answer to this in depth question is that all of us do. It is impossible to not leave foot prints on the sands you have once walked, it's how long it'll last that counts. Some foot prints are deeper than the others, and can bare through the tide waves's merciless pounds. The others are shallow and barely visible, those are the footprints that will erode by the faintest peck of the sea breeze. Yet as all may have known, one day, these foot prints will all get erased, deep or shallow. One day every single one of us will be forgotten, famous or not. This is not what this journal entry is supposedly about, I simply tried to express a little more. I do apologize for that. Anyway, some historical figures that reminded me that people can accomplish great things are: Newton...etc. You get my idea. THese people had accomplished great things, and left very deep footprints in the sand of humanity. I am unsure of the literary device Longfellow used with " leave behind footprints", but I'm guessing that it is a...? As I have previously stated, I and everyone will leave foot prints through time. Though some may think it's simply a clever play of words, it is my true belief. As in for how deep? I don't know. I really truly have no idea. You the people  are  going to have to measure it, I suppose.

2011年5月26日 星期四

My Most and Least Favorite

Of all the novel s we have read throughout the year, my favorite is one of the best sellers of all times- The Outsiders. The Outsiders written S. E. Hinton( S. S. Hinten?) is about a boys who grew up at the wrong side of the tracks who is a lot more than the other around him. Instead of living up to the imitation society set for him, Ponyboy seemed to be exactly the opposite. Instead of being aggressive and tough, he is dreamy and thoughtful. Instead of fighting through his whole life, His intellectual learning earned him a put up from his original grade. Most of all, his sense of wisdom for the people around him made me like his character. He could look through the barriers and really " see" a person, not just how they look and act.
Ok, now for my least favored novel. My least favored novel is titled " Hatchet", and this title definitely does not appeal to girls like me. Yet of course, that is not my only reason. To me and me only( maybe), " Hatchet" is a tedious monologue of a twelve( thirteen?) year old boy of himself and nature. That's it. No other conflicts or what so ever.  This doesn't mean I dislike nature or anything, the point that I'm trying to get across is that this book may be filled with action, but lack internal conflict. Brain rarely ever thought about home, desire, his friends. His behavior does not contradict his faith...etc. If you think that I simply want to see a fragile little boy become more miserable than he already is, than that it be the case.

2011年5月24日 星期二

Hip-Hop Language

Student of PAS

( Ring!!!) Oh my oh my gosh,
Don't you feel like rush,
Wake up in the morning just to your alarm clock.
I still wanna snooze,
I still wanna ooze,
But I wake up in the morning just to my alarm clock.
 with a painful step,
I slowly rose,
out my dream of heaven into just to my alarm clock

( stomp!!!) then oh my oh my gosh,
Don't you feel like a rush,
I stood up in the bathroom with a toothbrush in my mouth,
than from right to left,
and from right to left,
I stood up in the bathroom with a toothbrush in my mouth,
And From up to down,
And From down to up,
I stood up in the bathroom with a toothbrush in my mouth

( Ugh!!!)then  OH my oh my gosh,
Don't you feel like a rush,
I'm Slumped down in a chair with my hair tied up,
The teacher's voice,
like a timeless roar, 
So I slumped down in a chair with my hair tied up,
Too bad there's no alarm,
for a class that's armed,
so I slumped down in a chair with my hair tied up.

( Ring!!!) then Oh my oh my gosh,
Don't you feel like a rush,
Running home  from school with a smile broad,
The teacher's voice,
is like a tip of moist,
And I'm running home from school with a smile broad, 
Leave the kitty cats,
Leave  the homework as,
I'm running home from school with a smile broad.

( Ring!!!) then The end,
It's the end.
Oh my day just ended like a wink they say,
Well too bad,
too bad,
tomorrow I'll wake up in the morning just to my alarm clock.