2011年4月14日 星期四

What does poetry do?

Hmmm, that is a very interesting question that I had never thought about. Poetry just always seemed to be a distant rhyming song that enlightened my early childhood, and no one had ever dared to question it's very own purpose for existence. Before I give you my detailed explanation, let's start with a bit of compare and contrast from poetry to other forms of writting. Taking literary fiction, for an instance, it has long sentences that often don't rhyme. And of course, it is often much longer than poetries, and there is no room for sentence fragments. For poetry, it's exactly the opposite. It is composed of short sentences that will be better if they do rhyme. And of course, often much shorter paragraphs and far shorter than literary fiction like the one I am holding right now which has two hundred pages. If you think that's a lot, try Jenny. Her book ( source of entertainment) has at least five hundred pages. How did poetry came about in the first place? Well, poetry came from song. In fact, it is suppose to be a song that people can easily sing along with meanginful but easily memorable lyrics. Since, people back a couple years ago could not read nor write, and people who can perform these functions can get themselves a job. Anyway, poetry was suppose to be a efficient of storytelling.

