2010年12月21日 星期二

Lost in the woods

That's say that I am lost in a mountain where unkown beasts are dominanted. The first thing that I will do is sit down and take a deep breath and calm myself down. Since studies have shown that accidents are mostly likely to happen when a person is panicing or uneasy. After that, I will look at the sun or the moon or the stars for direction. Perhaps climb a a small peak and tried to peak down and search for signs of human life or civilization. Than, I would grab a stick of some sort, sharpen it, and start to march down hill. I will also gather the foods I encountered with to make sure that I won't pass out. I will stop around the time of early noon and tried to make a fire( if this mountain is a tall one, but I am assuring that it is or else this kind of accidents could have been easily avoided). I might try to use mirrors or watches to reflect the sun light and gather twigs and dead brenchs. This will take a while, and by the time I finally got myself a nice little fire, it might already be late afternoon. I would eat and perhaps pile up some twigs to make a temperary shelter for me to rest in before the following day. Being lost in a mountain is of course very different from being lost in a dessert. In the mountain you have more chance of survival,yet you have to do it independently. While in a dessert, it is much easier to be found. There are also less predetors in a dessert while a mountain is often like a zoo itself. A zoo with bears, porcupines...etc.

2010年12月14日 星期二

Personal Assets

Brian had used a number of personal assets in order to survive in the canadian wilderness. And the most significant out of all of them are independence, problem solving, optimism, and bravery. You may not have agreed with my reasonings now, which is why I will go over them one by one with details and supports from the novel. Though most people don' t agree, Brain was independent in the story, or at least relativity independent. How can he not if he is going to survive( I didn't finish the book, but I'm assuming that he did survive. Or else the book would have been much thinner) ? In the complete wilderness, Brain had to rely on his own with no company of any kinds( at least not yet), a dependent person would never be able to do that. Brain also had excellent problem solving skills. He fought against nature and tried to solve the problems within them such as fighting against mosquitoes and the setting itself. Brain was also relatively optimistic, for he had not given up or stayed long in the zone of self-pitying which a lot of us would have. And at last, Brian was also demonstrated courage in the woods( I don't think I would have to explain why).  As in for me, I'm not really sure of my greatest assets. Yet, if I really have to name some,I would say that they are: peace-loving, calm, and hard working( for most of the time anyway). The  personnel asset that may save me in the wilderness might be peace-loving and calmness.

2010年12月9日 星期四

Solving Problems

Since I haven't encountered any real sublime problems in real life, previous knowledge of mine are pretty much useless, in the matter of fact, in daily life basis. Yet, if I really had to name something, I suppose I would say my previous knowledge in math had benefited me .  Having some basic math skills allowed me to count numbers, and pay money with full knowledge of what I am doing. It also allowed me to measure regular and irregular objects and calculate a person 's speed. I wouldn't say that this skill was special though, since it is kind of expected out of any normal person. My Chinese language skills had also made communicating in Taiwan plausible, and it is a previous, actually more background knowledge for me to apply. Without the ability to speak Chinese I would have to rely on my body gestures to communicate. That wouldn't be a really good idea since I am sort of a timid person, and it would cause a lot of trouble. There was also a time when my English skills benefited me in real life. There was this one time when me and my family took a vacation in California and for some weird reasons my brother locked himself inside our room. Since my parents were out somewhere, I had to go to the lobby and got another extra pair of keys. The language I used was of course, English. And that is the only real real life situation I can think of at this moment. 

Long Life

Ever noticed the farewells in many countries contained a special wishing. People tends to wish each other a numerous amount of things such as " get well", " many God be with you"...etc, yet the most commonly used expression to express an internal wish that almost all life forms yearned for is " Live a long life!" The wanting of living long, or perhaps forever is perfectly normal, since all life forms were designed to live. And to keep them all motivated, there had to be a fire burning deep inside that motivates everyone to seek live-hood and will. We've all worked hard to accomplish goals of all sorts in life, and it is simply too painful to have to let it go. Now turning back to the story " The Secret", I don't think it is particularly fair to keep a secret that could have lasted more lives to a couple of rich nobles and scientists. That doesn't mean I support the idea of letting the secret out though. Imaging six billion people being immortal, never ever replaced. After a couple of years, the population itself will reproduce and the population number will double. Soon, the moon itself would be overcrowded and humans would have to face problems of all kinds. The ugliness of the human nature will be exposed  as most struggled to survive in the world full of competition. Death is painful, yet natural. Beginnings comes with ends, that's simply a universal rule in which everyone smart or dumb, tall or short, would have to obey.

2010年12月8日 星期三

The secret

Henry become suspicious when he's visiting the moon when his visits to the director became rare and none of the other scientists would inform about any thing he asked. I suppose Henry's suspicions are reasonable since I would have had the same if I was in his shoes. Anyway, what the scientists had been trying to keep from Henry was the news of life spams being doubled on the moon. That- was what Dr. Hasting had been trying to keep from Henry and the rest of the people on Earth. For those who do not recall, I will give you a brief overview of this part of the story. Henry was informed to meet the director at the main lab and he went. There, the short gray scientist grabbed a hamster out of its cage and questioned Henry " What is this?" Henry answered, " A hamster, the commonest of the lab animals." . " Yes, except for this one is already five years old." " And?" " The normal life spam for hamsters is only two." If you would like to know how the rest of the story goes, you would have to check the book yourself. The reason that Dr. Hasting wanted to keep his research secret is due to the fact that he doesn't all people on Earth to come cramming onto the moon.

2010年12月3日 星期五

Setting and Plot

Settings plays a significant role in a story. Setting basically created the story's plots, and characters from different settings may behave diffriently, and THAT marks the differenence between the two stories. Taking two enraged families who has extreme hatred for each other for an instance, the way the famlies interacted with each other will be very differnt in different settings. If the famlies existed at the time of 2010, there probably wouldn't be much fighting going on. Since physical violence is not encouraged in our society today, and doing so may expose both families to the dangers of society law enforces. Reasonable members of the family might decide to call it truce and maybe they will become friends, who knows? Even if the families did got engaged in a negative physical interactions, gun powders will be used and that can cause severe deaths and injuries. On the otherhand, if the story had took place in perhaps the 1959s in the city of Verona, it would be a complete differnent story. Due to the lack of polices and direct law enforcements, the families could have broken into a fight. Instead of carrying guns, the people would be carrying swords and sheilds in a body armor. At this time, the love of the children from both sides can lead to a great tragedy( Sound famalier? This happened in the tradegy: Romeo and Juliet.). And that will be the end of my journal for today.

2010年12月2日 星期四

Writing is Difficult

Writing, to most people is an agonizing and aimless concept .  For them( especially students) writing seemed to be an endless struggle, a battle  between them and the words, a battle they are almost certain they will lost. There are minorities, however, whose minds were simply different from the rest. and they can find writing interesting. Good writers are often great story tellers, they can make up fascinating stories that sung infants to sleep, stories that teenagers dream of when sitting in front of their piles of homework, stories adults thought of during the absence of their loved ones, and stories in which elders smile upon as they set in their rocking chair staring out a window, stories that lasts forever. Writing is simply a way for the storytellers to spread their stories. It is the most efficient tool for one's story to become popular.  Most writers have extreme dislikes for the subject " writing" , since writing itself is tedious, but the stories behind  the boringness motivates them to go on. I suppose Ray Bradbury have similar opinion as mine. He may have extreme dislikes for the concept of writing,  yet was fascinated by the arts of storytelling. Which is the reason he chose writing as his career. And as time went by, he got better and better , and one day he might suddenly realize and let out, " Hey, it's not so bad!" I wouldn't say that I would choose writing as my career since judging from my writing so far, I have zero talent. My imagination doesn't flow the way some writers do . And my grammar and spelling mistakes can haunt people even in their dreams. That would be the difference between a talent, and a non talent I suppose.