2010年12月21日 星期二

Lost in the woods

That's say that I am lost in a mountain where unkown beasts are dominanted. The first thing that I will do is sit down and take a deep breath and calm myself down. Since studies have shown that accidents are mostly likely to happen when a person is panicing or uneasy. After that, I will look at the sun or the moon or the stars for direction. Perhaps climb a a small peak and tried to peak down and search for signs of human life or civilization. Than, I would grab a stick of some sort, sharpen it, and start to march down hill. I will also gather the foods I encountered with to make sure that I won't pass out. I will stop around the time of early noon and tried to make a fire( if this mountain is a tall one, but I am assuring that it is or else this kind of accidents could have been easily avoided). I might try to use mirrors or watches to reflect the sun light and gather twigs and dead brenchs. This will take a while, and by the time I finally got myself a nice little fire, it might already be late afternoon. I would eat and perhaps pile up some twigs to make a temperary shelter for me to rest in before the following day. Being lost in a mountain is of course very different from being lost in a dessert. In the mountain you have more chance of survival,yet you have to do it independently. While in a dessert, it is much easier to be found. There are also less predetors in a dessert while a mountain is often like a zoo itself. A zoo with bears, porcupines...etc.

