2010年12月2日 星期四

Writing is Difficult

Writing, to most people is an agonizing and aimless concept .  For them( especially students) writing seemed to be an endless struggle, a battle  between them and the words, a battle they are almost certain they will lost. There are minorities, however, whose minds were simply different from the rest. and they can find writing interesting. Good writers are often great story tellers, they can make up fascinating stories that sung infants to sleep, stories that teenagers dream of when sitting in front of their piles of homework, stories adults thought of during the absence of their loved ones, and stories in which elders smile upon as they set in their rocking chair staring out a window, stories that lasts forever. Writing is simply a way for the storytellers to spread their stories. It is the most efficient tool for one's story to become popular.  Most writers have extreme dislikes for the subject " writing" , since writing itself is tedious, but the stories behind  the boringness motivates them to go on. I suppose Ray Bradbury have similar opinion as mine. He may have extreme dislikes for the concept of writing,  yet was fascinated by the arts of storytelling. Which is the reason he chose writing as his career. And as time went by, he got better and better , and one day he might suddenly realize and let out, " Hey, it's not so bad!" I wouldn't say that I would choose writing as my career since judging from my writing so far, I have zero talent. My imagination doesn't flow the way some writers do . And my grammar and spelling mistakes can haunt people even in their dreams. That would be the difference between a talent, and a non talent I suppose.

