2010年12月14日 星期二

Personal Assets

Brian had used a number of personal assets in order to survive in the canadian wilderness. And the most significant out of all of them are independence, problem solving, optimism, and bravery. You may not have agreed with my reasonings now, which is why I will go over them one by one with details and supports from the novel. Though most people don' t agree, Brain was independent in the story, or at least relativity independent. How can he not if he is going to survive( I didn't finish the book, but I'm assuming that he did survive. Or else the book would have been much thinner) ? In the complete wilderness, Brain had to rely on his own with no company of any kinds( at least not yet), a dependent person would never be able to do that. Brain also had excellent problem solving skills. He fought against nature and tried to solve the problems within them such as fighting against mosquitoes and the setting itself. Brain was also relatively optimistic, for he had not given up or stayed long in the zone of self-pitying which a lot of us would have. And at last, Brian was also demonstrated courage in the woods( I don't think I would have to explain why).  As in for me, I'm not really sure of my greatest assets. Yet, if I really have to name some,I would say that they are: peace-loving, calm, and hard working( for most of the time anyway). The  personnel asset that may save me in the wilderness might be peace-loving and calmness.

