2011年2月24日 星期四

Summary of Tell-Tale Heart.

An insane man's scandal for murder of an old man because his pale blue eye evoked the fear deep inside him, waiting to break free. But of course, he doesn't know that and what really through the readers off hook is that he saw this whole event as completely normal, and he was simply being a profound murderer who was not "insane" Anyway, I'm completely off topic ( again) so please allow me to summarize the tale of the Tell-tale heart. The story started out with a man claiming he was not insane, simply nervous. And that, he explained his motivation of murdering an old man whom he like, but feared( his pale blue eye scared him.), after a few nights of toss and turns, the crazy lunatic made up his mind to kill him, and this get rid of that eye forever. For many nights, he crept into the old man's room with such caution and dissimulation seemingly( at least according to him) impossible for an insane man to do, and observed the old man in his sleep. He also seemed entirely unaware of his own presence, so finally at the night he stroke for kill. The old man had sensed danger and was trembling in his own bed when he took his last breath. The lunatic than dissembled his body parts and buried them under the floors of his bed room chamber. The police than came for inspection, and he admitted his actions because he thought he heard the old man's hideous heart beating.

2011年2月19日 星期六

Hints and Foreshadowing

The opening paragraph had pretty much gave us a main clue of the narrator being " unrealiable". Reason? He is insane. Some details that gave hints and clues are: 1) The man claimed himself to be sane, and his actions are pure and logical. That tells the reader that something is wrong even before they got deeper into the story where the narraotr explained his motivations of murdur. 2) The narrator explaining the pale vulture eye the old man has that haunted him. " His gold I have no desire..." He had said, the old man had been kind to him and he had no desire for his wealth. THe plain motivation wasn't out of hatred, love, avarice...etc, it was out of plain fear over an eye. 3) The process it took the main character to strike was abnormally long. He literally took an hour to open the old man's door, something that could have been done in minutes. No! Seconds. Or in a second. Whatever. And than he would look at the sleeping old man and smiled thinking that everything will be to his satisfaction. 4) This reasoning is obvious- The narrator killed the old man. No one in their right mind would do that. That is incredibly insane and stupid and unreasonable. WHich pretty much explain that he is a "mad" man instead of the other way around.

2011年2月17日 星期四


People's opinions are often heavily biased, since they can only see one facet but not the other. And the reason these self centered antagonists often landed on the center of the stage was for only one purpose- entertainment. People often find those characters funny, but what they don't understand is the characters are simply an exaggerated( and in some cases, not) example of themselves. Most people refused to admit that. In the " Tell-tale Heart"the narrator had proven himself a madman right from the beginning, murdering a harmless old man whom he adores just because his pale blue eyes feared him. Definitely not normal, but he sure thought so.  The unfamous book " Hells and Heavens" also served an excellent example of a biased narration. For those who don't know ( and I'm assuming that none of you do, but that's perfectly fine.) The narrator and main character- Lucinda Karren was tormented with her love to Francis- a demon from hell, his compel for her made her life a living hell. And a literal one, not just a mental one. Meanwhile, her Christian family and society commanded her to side with Edward, an angelic man who later seized her... Anyway, not important. What I was trying to say is that in this story Lucinda had many biased opinions about society" Women are cowardly, they believe what the society wants them to believe" was one of the most famous quotes out of that story.

2011年2月15日 星期二

Scary Stories

There are two components of all horrors( and not just from literture, but in real life as well) and they are the element of suspense and surprise. Horror stories live and breath with those two components.  As in for my personal horror, I would say loosing./to lost something valuable such as reputation, friends, good grades, my project( especially during a group project when you spent hours with your buddies making that single hand-made, most humanly prescious, extrodenary, desirous project. You loose it? You're in big trouble!). The reason for  "loosing" to horrify me was simple, I don't like losting/loosing anything. I suppose many people felt the same way. Specaking of horror stories, I've actually got a personel horror story of my own. It happened when I was in frist grade, I didn't know when, but somehow late at night before bed time, I would hear a spirit's soft knock( Ok, not true. I just wrote this to make it more suspenseful.). I remembered the first time the dreadful sound reached my ears, Quandan! Like the sound of breaking glass. I nearly jumped out of my skin. Without a second thought, I through open the bathroom door and found nothing. Assuring myself that what happened was nothing, I climbed into bed. That was not the last of it, however, cause the shatter of pure glass rang throughout  the whole night and eveutually, through the whole year. In fact, if happened often enough that I am no longer afraid of it. And one day, I don't know when, ir( The sound) faded away until I never once heard it ever again.

2011年2月11日 星期五


Not being excactly poet material, I had a hard time writting this journal. After pondering for a while, I came up with the list of ideas that I will describe one by one. The first out of them is, TV. I can describe the way the constant change of color and the flash of light glued my attention better than anything else. And how the way it made everything else seeming so tedious. Ex. A long day after school I sat, with a long night stretched far ahead. What a dull world that I'm in I thought, and nothing seemed to worked out for me...Another idea is the computer. I can describe it's multiple functions and the way it affected my life. Ex. There it was, a screen with flash. A mouse that moves, and a keyboard that I slashes. THere I was...etc. The other idea that I also had in mind was about tests. I can describe the ruthless torture and how us students felt about it. Ex. Tik, tik it's the tik of the clock, the clock had ticked and I am blank and sick...etc. I can also write about friendship and how it had affected my life. Ex. Hand in hand they stood, in the center of a storm. And it was, that moment that they knew, nothing will ever touch them, harm them. Because, they have each other's care...etc( Really lame, I know. INfact all of them are lame). Other than that, I might also write about familiar things such as: school, art, english, math, sports, and perhaps music...

2011年2月10日 星期四

Lunar New Year

After leaving PAS, I embraced the freedom in which I deserved.  Wind gently picked up my sleeves and the world seemed all of a sudden, brighter and merrier...I decided to paint a more vivid picture of this moment right here since my vacation pretty much went downhill from there. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that my vacation was horrible, it's just that there are moments of extremes that can never be replaced. And the feeling of freedom from the clutches of schoolwork is simply the time of my life. Afterwards, I left for home and finished my school assignments which was really starting to pile. I them convinced myself to neglect my uneasiness towards my uncompleted math assignment and left for a little air with my brother. I slept late that night since I thought I had all the time in the world, so what's the hurry? The next day, I woke up at around ten but remained in bed till eleven. We had an easy take out lunch and my parents decided to take a nap. After what seemed like hours, we finally headed for my grandparent's home for hope of entertainments. The dinner was descent, my aunts and uncles had made sure to have everything just right. Yet since eating wasn't somewhat my main concern, I didn't like it too much since it was kind of boring. It wasn't until later in which my angel naive cousin who grabbed the microphone and started screaming into it when the dinner got really interesting. The innocent little boy had mistaken our polite app louses for genuine appreciation, hahaha. I would like to continue but I already reached the limit. So this will be it.