2011年2月11日 星期五


Not being excactly poet material, I had a hard time writting this journal. After pondering for a while, I came up with the list of ideas that I will describe one by one. The first out of them is, TV. I can describe the way the constant change of color and the flash of light glued my attention better than anything else. And how the way it made everything else seeming so tedious. Ex. A long day after school I sat, with a long night stretched far ahead. What a dull world that I'm in I thought, and nothing seemed to worked out for me...Another idea is the computer. I can describe it's multiple functions and the way it affected my life. Ex. There it was, a screen with flash. A mouse that moves, and a keyboard that I slashes. THere I was...etc. The other idea that I also had in mind was about tests. I can describe the ruthless torture and how us students felt about it. Ex. Tik, tik it's the tik of the clock, the clock had ticked and I am blank and sick...etc. I can also write about friendship and how it had affected my life. Ex. Hand in hand they stood, in the center of a storm. And it was, that moment that they knew, nothing will ever touch them, harm them. Because, they have each other's care...etc( Really lame, I know. INfact all of them are lame). Other than that, I might also write about familiar things such as: school, art, english, math, sports, and perhaps music...

