2011年2月19日 星期六

Hints and Foreshadowing

The opening paragraph had pretty much gave us a main clue of the narrator being " unrealiable". Reason? He is insane. Some details that gave hints and clues are: 1) The man claimed himself to be sane, and his actions are pure and logical. That tells the reader that something is wrong even before they got deeper into the story where the narraotr explained his motivations of murdur. 2) The narrator explaining the pale vulture eye the old man has that haunted him. " His gold I have no desire..." He had said, the old man had been kind to him and he had no desire for his wealth. THe plain motivation wasn't out of hatred, love, avarice...etc, it was out of plain fear over an eye. 3) The process it took the main character to strike was abnormally long. He literally took an hour to open the old man's door, something that could have been done in minutes. No! Seconds. Or in a second. Whatever. And than he would look at the sleeping old man and smiled thinking that everything will be to his satisfaction. 4) This reasoning is obvious- The narrator killed the old man. No one in their right mind would do that. That is incredibly insane and stupid and unreasonable. WHich pretty much explain that he is a "mad" man instead of the other way around.

