2011年5月22日 星期日

Epic Language

There they stood with their sorrowful grim, 
" Return to us!  Oh please!" 
And There I stood with my determined wimed, 
" I shall do this, I heed." 
With one last look  at the mile-less shore, 
One last look at the joys and roars, 
From there I  plunged into the endless core,
Oh fire, oh please. 

Courage, I summoned above , 
and slowly my frozen hands raised. 
" Be proud of me, brothers and sisters
as you sit on the swings and play, 
forgive me, 
to not join your game 
for it is hard to lay, 
I shall do this, 
brothers and sisters, 
and here my corpse shall lay." 
A fire burned as I typed, 
The brain is swiveling wiped, 
I couldn't breath, 
I couldn't reach, 
the memories are fading
along with my raging. 
Like a madman I typed, 
swearing and cursing and ripped. 
MY body is wounded
and my heart is empty, 
But the demon kept demanding for more. 

At last, 
it all ended 
and there was down as I laid, 
at where my corpse will stay. 
I finished it, my blogging assignment, 
and I will hope to a brand new day! 

Ps. I really don't think this is "epic" enough. I am still unclear about how elegant the language should be, and to be quite honest I have a small vocabulary. 

