2010年9月14日 星期二

Advice letter

Dear Ms. Helpful:
  My name is Alfonso and I am a seventh grader in the states. I am a loyal reader of yours and I enjoyed reading your advice column very much. You advices always seemed so encouraging and just as your pen name stated-helpful, which is  the reason that I wrote to you today to discuss a problem of my own.
  I decided to not drag on the embarrassment that I, myself contained by the moment and went right to the point: I am in love. With a girl that was my age, and lived in my neighborhood. Her name, which I had hesitate of keeping anonymous, but didn't at the end, was Sandra. Our encounter as chance would have it, is plainly by luck. There was this one day that I was pedaling down the street, when I noticed a boy hanging upside down with a girl looking up at him. My instinct took over right away, and the next thing I knew I jumped off my bike and helped the kid off the barbed-wired fence. Both the boy and the girl was grateful to me, and we became friends. I later learned that the girl happened to be the little kid's sister, and we go to the same school, her name(which I have to repeat again) is Sandra. She has straight teeth unlike mine, and is kind of cute with a ponytail.  I really liked Sandra, and we went on a little date, or should I say, we hanged out? She was always friendly and amicable. Her laughter soft. I wanted badly to impress her, but unsure of what to do. What can I do to impress her, Ms. Helpful? Even though I don't know that much about girls, I know they sure do judge a boy by his cover, and I am not exactly super star handsome. I have crooked teeth,which is a pity.So, I was wondering what I can do to impress Sandra. And what I can do to get her to hang out with me more often. Oh, and should I ask her to an official date? Most of all, I want to ask  you ways to impress a girl like Sandra and how do I know if she liked me or did she just wanted to be "friends"? I would love to have my questions answered right away, but please do not put this letter on the top of your advice column. Sandra might see that, she reads the sports news.

You loyal reader-Alfonso

1 則留言:

  1. Hey Alfonso,
    Seems like you have quite a few problems. Let me help you. If you want to impress her, just be yourself. Don't ever try to do something that isnt your thing. Sandra will think it is stupid. Yes, you should ask her out again and more often, but don't call it a date, yet. Wait until she suggest you two to go out first. That would mean she is comfortable with you then. Hm.. if you want to know if she likes you back, look for hints. If she does like you, she would do some weird things like, avoiding eye contacts because she's nervous or something. But if she is really open and talking to you like you're a girl- friend, then you're just a friend. But i see that there is a chance! Good luck! LOVE, MS.HELPFUL
