2010年9月9日 星期四

Popularity v Intelligence

  The world that we know of is full of competitions. All around the globe, people comtrast about their money, skills, their life, and their fourtunes. Competition, however doesn't only exist in adulthood. Go over the school fence and you will quickly realize that competition is everywhere here, too. " What do innocent students contrast about?" You may ask. Well, that is a great question, because the life of a student is never as innocent and carefree as it seemed. There is a lot of competition going on in here too, which meant there there is going to be winners, and losers. Students compete about a lot of things, and the two biggest catergory they compete about is: Inteligence and Popularity.
  Both topics will be disguessed indivisually in this document, and we will start with intelligence. Intelligence is capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, and meanings. Having intelligence is a great advantage that one can have. You will be able to see things before the others do, and make the most lucrative, or beneficial decession. You will be ahead of everyone. There is a downhill doen hill side for having intelligence, though. Other students might be jeolous of your intelligence, and your social status might be lowered simply because you are smarter than some others.
  Popularity, on the otherhand, is an entirely different matter. It is to have favor of the general public or of a particular group of people. Being popular can mean a lot of things. But most of all, it meant to be accepted by society. To be welcomed everywhere. People wanted to be near you, and you can join any group there is that you wanted, and everyone will open their arms welcomging you. It is a common thing that people wanted. There is also a downhill side for popularity. People may also get jeolous of how well you are doing and try to pull you down. If their plan succeeded, your social life will land on the botton of the heep, only to be surrounded by geeks and goths people looked down at.
  If there is only two choices of popularity and inteligence, I would rather be popular. Yes, I do want to be smart, but no, I don't want to be left out of the crowd. I suppose I just cannot stand to be alone. Popularity brings you more friends and gives you more interactions with people. Which is what I'd rather have.
  There are very few who liked to be alone and different. Most people tends to want to fit in to the place that they are in. They tends to have to sacrifice a lot to do so, though. The sacrifices includes: pretanding to be dumb inorder to get rid of the nicknames, ditch their old best friend just because they are not cool enoguh, trying to perform a performence that you are not capable of doing and so on. Those are all sacrifices people make inorder to fit into a new comunity. They may regret their sacrefices later on, but their sacrifices had been made for them to fit in.
  No matter if you are an intelligent person, or a popular person, you stand out from the crowd. Meaning that you are the unusual. Being unusual can be both good and bad. The good thing about being unusual is that you are not the same as everyone else, you get your own unique personality and skills that the others cannot replace. You are special, never invisilble. Of course. there are downhill sides of being unusual as well. Since you tends to stand out from the crowd, you are easier to pick on, since you are the abnormal in a pool of normals. Which, can be very troubling for most people.
  Both popularity and intelligence has it's own strength and weakness, but both is all about being unusual. It doesn't really matter though, since everyone is unique.So I suppose, you should simply live the life that you enjoyed, since there is not particular right or wrong in this matter.

1 則留言:

  1. It is very true, many people want to fit in and serve the popular people to gain alittle popularity themselves, but being intelligent is more important once you graduate and get into a college.
