2010年9月8日 星期三

English Assigment Assignment 1(Broken Chain assignemnt)

  Feelings and thinkings of a thirteen fourteen year olds can be complicated. They have so many things to worry about. They have to worry about how others think about them, how their teachers thinks about them, and most importantly, how "they" think about themselves.
  The most general feeling for a thirteen/fourteen year old is negative. Most of them yarned for things that they do not  have, instead of what they do have. Thirteen/fourteen year olds can worry about all sorts of things, such as their height, looks, smartness, and popularity. They all thought they have less than others, and tried their best to copy their leader, or idol. There are a very few thirteen/fourteen year olds , however tells a very different story. Instead of looking at what they don't have, they felt proud of themselves, too proud of themselves actually.  They act bossy, and expected for full leadership of what they thought they are good at. Which can create problems.
   Both kinds of people have their own pros and cons, I suppose it is yours to decided which one you really do belong.

2 則留言:

  1. Most teenagers do think negative about them sometimes. But others think too positive about themselves, and sometimes it can become problems.

  2. Alyssa,

    This entry is fine, but please use the title I give you in class (in this case it was "Broken Chain Quickwrite"). If you do not give your posts the correct title, it makes it difficult for me to recognize whether you have completed the assignment. In the future, I will give you reduced points if you do not use the correct title. If you are not sure of the title, go to the "Journal Prompts Page" of your class wiki (http://pas-grade-8-english.wikispaces.com/Journal+Prompt+Page).

    You are doing a good job, so don't worry. Just be careful with your titles.

    -M. McCool
