2010年10月12日 星期二

Leaving Everything Behind

Think about another period in history when people were forced to leave behind everything they knew and loved. How would their experience compare with the experiences of Harriet Tubman and her eleven fugitives? Use your Quickwrite (October 5) as a resource.
When the Roman empire was  experiencing it's most brilliant and gallant stage, It seemed as if every single human who had lived in Rome was benefited with the incredible wealth, strong military, and most of all the the sparks of glories of the prime leading empire. Yet, not everyone was content about this . In order to consolidate the Rome's incredible power, the Romans needed wealth, brilliant minds, and workmanship. The first two needs were easy to satisfy by the Romans themselves, yet the last one is not. Where can they get so many people to work under a hot sun, or through frosty winters according to their own will? The Roman emperors scratched their chins and figured out this, " Ah! If I can't get Romans to work according to their own will, I can get slaves. They don't have rights. No wages.". So as the Romans took over more and more lands, they captured more and more slaves, these slaves were brought back to Rome to do the hardest, or most unwilling jobs the Romans do not want to do themselves. These slaves were experiencing experiences similar to Harriet Tubman. Having to leave everything they knew and loved behind. Only they are brought away by force, while Harriet Tubman and her eleven fugitives actually do have a choice. Though they may not think they do. Another difference between them would be the fact that Harriet Tubman and her eleven fugitives are outlaws, which meant walking on the feilds of fearsome for every single minute. Facing the possibility of being captured, and hanged in the most horrible way everyday. On the other hand, once the slaves are with the Roman army, they're lives are pretty much safe. They will still be in harsh condition, but the Romans won't kill them unlessl they felt like they have( want) to. 

