2010年11月25日 星期四


In the story " There will come soft rains" , humans lived in an ideal life in which their every need was easily satisfied. Yet, they ended up destroying themselves in a nuclear war. What would lead people into war and destroy each other? Well, the answer is quite simple. In fact, it had been the reason that any war or battle was started in the first place. The reason is called greed. Humans have a flaw, or I guess you can say a superior trait , and that is called greed. Greed makes you felt that nothing is satisfying and you want more and more things. Once you got more and more things, you want even more things. Greed can also be a good thing though, without greed, humans would live like other animals and be perfectly contented with a full belly and a nice good sleep. Yet, too much greed will lead humans into a war that ended up as a self-destruction. I felt that the story itself was pretty ironic, since humans created technologies and a satisfying world, but ended up dying because of it. Humans created nuclear bombs, but ended up being killed by it. This kind of situation is of course applicable to our world today. Humans ended up being killed or ruined by the things they have most, or create. For example, a rich man can ended up treasuring it's money so much that it killed him to simply leave them, or spend a penny( this actually had happened before). Humans invented thousands of weapons, yet used it to kill each other. Ironic huh?

