2010年11月18日 星期四

New Technology

Life after a couple centuries will be a unimaginable world with many technologies people today can't even dream of. Judging from the rate of technology advances, people will have robots taking care of their everyday life. Those robots will be able to detect a person's brainwaves, and present the person's needs. People's mouths will be only used for eating, breathing, and perhaps chatting. Their bodies will be plainly used for decoration and entertainment( I mean sports, dancing, stuff like that). It will be similar to what had happened in the Disney movie Walle when humans simply lie around all day and concentrate on nothing but sleep, eat, and chatting. Ok, maybe not as bizarre, I mean there is still gravity, so it's not like we're all going to turn into giant meatballs or something. Yet, the percentage of overweight will definitely rise. Which, will cause people to have a different perspective about beauty. They might consider fat women pretty and skinny women ugly, who knows? Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. The standards changes from time to time. Finally, people will get to a point that they are so dependent on technology that they refuse to learn anything themselves. It won't be hard to imagine. If you were to brought a person two hundred years ago here, he/she would have been amazed that people don't know how to farm, raise cattle, trade with foreigns who may be from the arabian peninsula...etc. We don't have the skills they do because they are no longer needed in our everyday life. Why? Because technology had done it for us.

