2010年11月2日 星期二


All of a sudden, I was surrounded by the sound of silence. Figures roamed around me, all wearing an expressionless mask and had their heads held high. Deadly fear gripped my heart. That was when I broke into a deadly run. I ran as fast as I could, yet was greeted by stony faces no matter where I went. Suddenly, the solid ground suddenly arouses to greet me, and I opened my mouth into a silent scream...
That is not my story, and the reason that I bothered to write that is because I honestly have nothing to write about. And a make-believe story just sounded much more interesting than everyday life.  I am going to go ahead and give you a boring answer anyway. I guess the setting that had the most effect on me is my house, in my neighborhood. Since, that will be the place that made up who I am. It is a nice neighbor hood with white houses and a clear blue sky. You can hear birds chirping, though they don’t sound so wonderful. You can taste fresh air, and wind ( a lot of wind). There are many plants in this neighborhood, and most of them are soft precious flowers that everyone treasured.

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