2010年11月15日 星期一

Knowledge of Dogs

The human civilization is a forgetful, lazy but fast improving civilization. As humans sped up the line, inventing thousands and millions inventions that will make our lives easier. Lucrative inventions had not only benefit us, but inventors as well. They have to do the best that they could, thought of all the ways to beat their opponents and gain profit FAST. As they set in their offices counting the load of bills, and smiling broadly at their success, they forgot one thing: Some where on this world, someone was suffering, because of them( not because they succeeded, but because maybe they have cheated or something? I know this is confusing, but I really have no idea of what to write about). THAT is an example of the knowledge that we have loss while we improve, it is the quality of compassion and sympathy. They are, however, the main principle that all organisms should follow. The dogs still have these old precious knowledge,  and they can teach us. Ever seen on the news that the dogs dashed into the fire and saved their owners( Go google it if you don't believe me), at that moment they were not thinking of themselves, but their owner's life. That dog had not only saved his owner's life, but also taught the world the importance of scarification. I never actually had a pet before, so I have really never learned from an animal of any kind. Except for humans( If counting my brother), but I wouldn't say that I got some deep thoughts from them.

