2011年1月28日 星期五

Prose or Poetry

I would personally prefer prose to poetry due to obvious reasons, and I am pretty sure that many others have similar opioions as mine. A prose is simple and easy to understand, though plain at times, but right to the point. When a poetry contains more emotions but is harder to read and interpret. Everyone will have their oen interpretations, and it's hard for the author to get the message across to the audience. It is  beautiful yes, prescious yes, but hard to get. It's also easy to read out loud, the words simply roll down your tongue. Ok, I know that I'm am being unfocused here and you probably couldn't understand what I was trying to get across, but that's ok. Go read someone else 's blog, he or she will have a clearer mind that I do. Than perhaps you will have no trouble understanding them at all. If, IF , you chose to continue reading, thank you. It means so much to me. Anyway, since prose is more to my preference, I do enjoy reading fictions and facts. Poetries are simply too complex for me, having to go through all those lines and can't seem to grasp the meaning until the very end is sometimes a cruel torture. And I suppose that's all I have to say about prose and poetry.

2011年1月27日 星期四

Outsiders film v. Book

Although we did not finish the  film just yet, we've watched parts of it. And that minimum amount of information was enough for me to decide on which one was to my favor. The book version is more preferable. Although the movie was animated with actions and real blood, the story line seemed somehow twisted, which was disappointing. Certain scenes were skipped or fast forwarded and that's just say that the starring did not live up to my expectations. Now if you allow, I will give you a few examples from the film to support my thesis. Think back to the scene where the whole story became truly engaging- Darry loosing his temper and physical abused Ponyboy. Our talented author had given this moment some extra thought of tension, the feeling of betrayal and anger. The house froze after the violating action, all motions stop and a sense of surprise  was passed between the characters. Than, Ponyboy ran. The film didn't capture this, instead they focused more on the killing part afterwards which was also important, but not as important as this. Since that was how the whole story started. No, the film didn't capture the art of the whole story the author had planted, and no, it was not better than the story due to it's lack of an interesting story line. I hope my criticisms did not offend anyone, but if it did, I do apologize.

2011年1月25日 星期二

Film v Print

Both films and prints have their own advantages and disadvantages. Films are more entertaining, interesting( depending on your point of view actually. BUt that's focus on the public opinion here. What would you have chosen if you were given an assignment to read the text book or watch an educational film if the time for both is the same? It's common sense).  As in for the cons of films, there are: distracting, and unhealthy. Colored films can often be distracting as all the colors blended in together into this large blob of things and it can actually make the scene look more violent. Taking our last journal entry for an instance, it would be a lot easier to simply read a book than to actually "watch" the whole thing where blood and guts spilled everywhere( the details for this sentence are actually unnecessary, but it's funny to think about the expression on certain people's face if they hear about this. Haha) Oh, and another con about prints is that the plot often gets twisted and is hard to live up to reader's expectation. " Books are often better than films itself"said an anonymous quoter and I have to agree. Although films may seem more interesting, the plot often had into what the directors thought would be to the public's appeal. Weird thing that they are often wrong. As in for the prints, it's simply the opposite. Anyone with mediocre intelligence ( at least) can figure it out.

2011年1月20日 星期四

My Stuff

   Being stuck in a certain place can be scary. Since that meant to have no change, no freedom, and worse of all- no choices( which kind of equals to "no freedom", but their meaing differs in some point). Anyhow, if I was to be stuck in a small crammed place with only so many people I will choose to bring the ones listed bellow. 1.A laptop that has internet connection and all the other basic elements a computer should have. 2. A note book. 3. A digital video camera. 4. A sketch book. 5. Something to write and make record with. I suppose the reason for wanting to bring a laptop is pretty obvious, since being born at a time period in which " everyone uses internet", internet has become an important part of not just me, but everyone's life. Besides a computer made lots of things such as reading, and gaming possible with instant clicks.
There eventualy will, however, when staring at the computer became an agonizing torture. When the videos were played and replayed, and the "hottest" tunes of the months were circling in your head. For that time, I will use a sketch book and notebook to entertain myself. Like Anne, if you want the resemblence. And of course, inorder to actually make use of the note and sketch book, I have to have something to write and draw with. So I suppose that explains my fifth object than.

2011年1月18日 星期二

What Do You Want To Be?

Although most people( people in a couple of classes that I know of) heavily criticized the diary of Anne Frank as a sexist, overly dramatic, and tedious work of art, I find it satisfying somehow. Yet, I don't think it's exactly my to say since I had never really read the book. My knowledge of Anne Frank was entirely dependent upon a brief summary from the text book and Mr. McCool 's lecture during class. Anyhow, I was completely off topic and I do apologize for any inconsistency I may have somehow costed you. Anyway, I decided that the character that I would like to be is Margot- Anne's sister, just incase you don't know. Margot was generally a quiet, calm, peaceful, sensitive, amicable, shy, and lovable person. Meaning that she wouldn't have much of a dialogue or acting to do( I'm gifted with acting disabilities). I don't think any of the other characters would suit me in any way, since I had absolute zero connection to all of them. I am not as active as Anne, as chattery as her mother( Or is it another woman? I can't remember. Told you I didn't read the book. If you are interested, check out Holt Reader or English Text Book), or as picky as...um...someone....I forgot her name. So I suppose Margot is really the character that I most resemble to throughout the whole play. And that will be the end of my journal writing for today, thank you for your time.

2011年1月13日 星期四


According to the studies, small and condensed areas are often the ones that leadas to Melancholia, Schizophrenia and all kinds of other mental disorders. In other words, a small crammed space is meant to drive people insane. Yet there are times when fate simply decided to act cruel and your life did a drastic turn backwards. Than Boom! All of a sudden you will find yourself crammed into a small room highly populated yet contained a small amount of population indeed. Reason: Undersize living space, just as simple as that. I'm not trying to say that anyone who chose to live in that kind of place are destinied for a painful death, bur rather that they have a higher possiblity of doing so. Anyway, there are some good things about living with your famlies and close relatives. One, lots of time alone. Two, Lots of free time. Three, Quiet. As in for the downhill side, people may get lonely, bored, mentally disable and all sorts of things can happen. Putting myseld into this kind of situation, I would probably read and write all the time. Or perhaps try to do something that I would normally set aside for later just to occupy my more than enough time. such as: Studying?

2011年1月11日 星期二


Before I start this journal, I just want to let all of you( especially Mr. McCool) understand that due to the time being, my assignment this time will be short and to the point. Parts of the content my be offensive, so if you felt offended, no offense. Anyway, I think the reason the Nazis felt that there is need to eliminate all Jews was because of them feeling threatened by their level of inteligence and their high positions. Reason? It's fairly simply to me actually. In my own opinion, which may or may not be correct, I say that the Nazis are lacking of confidence and pride. I'm not saying that their hatred for Jews were unreasonable ( ok, maybe they are. But that's not the point) but what they should have done was to beat JEws in all kinds of ways, instead of going behind their backs and murder(sort of)them. Yet due to the time being, when Germany was blanketed under poverty, moralities and faiths can be waver and fade away as people fought for their own survival. Another quality in which I thought feared the Nazis were the JEw's strong interepretions and faiths towards their own religon. THeir faith unites them together as a whole, making them something close to unbeatable. And besides, at that time the Jewish were claiming the hgihest positions on the society food chains whihc made them sound even more dangerous.

2011年1月6日 星期四


Although his intelligence and courage also take partial credit, I think Brain's survival is mainly dependent on his good luck. What are the chances of a twelve year old who has no survival training survviving in the a canadian wilderness? Not to high, I suppose. Many of the key events of his story such as making fire, finding a suitable shelter had all been a total coinsidence. And I fubd it a little bizare that he had never been truly attacked by a wild carivorous animal,  it's all about luck I suppose. For those who held deep admiration for Brian, I did not mean to offend you. Those above are simply my personel opinion. Anyway, although Brain was indeed very dependent on his luck, some of his past experiences and knowledge did assist him in diverse ways. Such as the process of making a ladder, the art of making a fire ( Not excactly the correct/succesful way, more of a basic understanding), and the importance of optimism during times of hardships( Great teacher he got there). Those knowledge also played a significant role in his survival. Now building upon his old knowledge, Brain developed some new knowledge such as how to really make a fire which helped him survive. As in for me, I wouldn't excactly say that I had one of those big getaways some other people like Brain do. Yet there are times in which luck had fallen upon me, and allowed me to win like perhap a pencil in the Christmas lotery this year.

What Makes Fire?

While Brian fumbled through the forrest, trying his best to survive on his own. He had made sevreal attempts on making a fire, a warm red glow that can light up both the fearsome  dark nights and his future as a loner in an environment that seemed to be against him. "Making a fire" isn't something you will expect to learn in a science class or be tested on in any standerlized test, so Brain has no real knowledge of fire making which can be extremely dangerous. Yet due to the fact that he had been absorbing imformation his teachrs, television and so on, he was able to actually have a a basic concept of fire making. That, is misleading, however since " rubbing two sticks together", something that was always demonstrated on television is actually quite diffucult to accomplish. Brian's failing is actually quite common, in fact, it would be will be rather suprising if he actually succeeded making a fire using two sticks. The night after Brian's attemp to rub two sticks together and make a fire he was attacked by a porcupine, he was wounded but
I chose to view this matter as a lucky thing. If it wasn't for the porcupine, Brian would never throw his hatchet, and without doing that he will never be able to make a fire. Anyway, you can interpret it whatever you like. As in for the conditions necessary to make a fire, Brian needed twigs to burn on, his hatchet to actually start the fire...

2011年1月4日 星期二

My Winter Holiday

To be perfectly honest, this winter holiday had been tedious. I was stuck home for most of the time, and as time pasts, even the thought of chatting/gaming/Tv watching... things that would normally appeal to me sickened me. The only time I get to do something different was during the Mondays and Wednesdays when I was suppose to go to Amber's house. And "that" wasn't exactly my idea of fun. Not trying to say hanging out with Amber wasn't fun, it was that the stuff we had been doing were all history -related, and one can only have so many, right? The center cause for my winter holiday being a lot less exciting than it could have been was my brother, who was still stuck in school until the end of January. And since the "unity" and "togetherness" meant everything to my mother, none of us can simply take off to some faraway with the absence of my brother. And you know what's ironic? By the end of January, my brother would be released from school and start his month long vacation when I am cooped up in school. In my opinion, this unbalancing schedule seemed rather ridiculous, and had disconnected us from the outside world. And at the end, I think I must mention that I wasn't complaining about the break itself, but rather what had been going on during then instead.