2011年1月25日 星期二

Film v Print

Both films and prints have their own advantages and disadvantages. Films are more entertaining, interesting( depending on your point of view actually. BUt that's focus on the public opinion here. What would you have chosen if you were given an assignment to read the text book or watch an educational film if the time for both is the same? It's common sense).  As in for the cons of films, there are: distracting, and unhealthy. Colored films can often be distracting as all the colors blended in together into this large blob of things and it can actually make the scene look more violent. Taking our last journal entry for an instance, it would be a lot easier to simply read a book than to actually "watch" the whole thing where blood and guts spilled everywhere( the details for this sentence are actually unnecessary, but it's funny to think about the expression on certain people's face if they hear about this. Haha) Oh, and another con about prints is that the plot often gets twisted and is hard to live up to reader's expectation. " Books are often better than films itself"said an anonymous quoter and I have to agree. Although films may seem more interesting, the plot often had into what the directors thought would be to the public's appeal. Weird thing that they are often wrong. As in for the prints, it's simply the opposite. Anyone with mediocre intelligence ( at least) can figure it out.

