2011年1月11日 星期二


Before I start this journal, I just want to let all of you( especially Mr. McCool) understand that due to the time being, my assignment this time will be short and to the point. Parts of the content my be offensive, so if you felt offended, no offense. Anyway, I think the reason the Nazis felt that there is need to eliminate all Jews was because of them feeling threatened by their level of inteligence and their high positions. Reason? It's fairly simply to me actually. In my own opinion, which may or may not be correct, I say that the Nazis are lacking of confidence and pride. I'm not saying that their hatred for Jews were unreasonable ( ok, maybe they are. But that's not the point) but what they should have done was to beat JEws in all kinds of ways, instead of going behind their backs and murder(sort of)them. Yet due to the time being, when Germany was blanketed under poverty, moralities and faiths can be waver and fade away as people fought for their own survival. Another quality in which I thought feared the Nazis were the JEw's strong interepretions and faiths towards their own religon. THeir faith unites them together as a whole, making them something close to unbeatable. And besides, at that time the Jewish were claiming the hgihest positions on the society food chains whihc made them sound even more dangerous.

