2011年1月18日 星期二

What Do You Want To Be?

Although most people( people in a couple of classes that I know of) heavily criticized the diary of Anne Frank as a sexist, overly dramatic, and tedious work of art, I find it satisfying somehow. Yet, I don't think it's exactly my to say since I had never really read the book. My knowledge of Anne Frank was entirely dependent upon a brief summary from the text book and Mr. McCool 's lecture during class. Anyhow, I was completely off topic and I do apologize for any inconsistency I may have somehow costed you. Anyway, I decided that the character that I would like to be is Margot- Anne's sister, just incase you don't know. Margot was generally a quiet, calm, peaceful, sensitive, amicable, shy, and lovable person. Meaning that she wouldn't have much of a dialogue or acting to do( I'm gifted with acting disabilities). I don't think any of the other characters would suit me in any way, since I had absolute zero connection to all of them. I am not as active as Anne, as chattery as her mother( Or is it another woman? I can't remember. Told you I didn't read the book. If you are interested, check out Holt Reader or English Text Book), or as picky as...um...someone....I forgot her name. So I suppose Margot is really the character that I most resemble to throughout the whole play. And that will be the end of my journal writing for today, thank you for your time.

