2011年3月29日 星期二

Personal Reflection

I will divide my evaluation into four categories: Class participation, active interest, working at the best of my ability and studying habits. Now, I will go through each of them one by one. Let's start withe class participation. I think I scored an F at that course( and if not an F, a D) considering the fact that I rarely raises my hand in class or ask any questions. Not saying that I don't have questions, I do. It's just that as a person who appeared to be just a little shyer, I prefer to leave the questions till the end. Yes, I know this may be impossible for most people to understand. In fact, I'm not quite sure why I prefer that way. Maybe it's because of the fact that I prefer to think before talking or asking a question, and leaving it till the end gives me more time to do so? Anyway, let's move on. For the active interest category, I think I did ok. Ok as in mediocre. I can be engaged in activities that I like for quite a long period of time, and I try to keep that excited feeling for as long as it would go. I also did ok( as in mediocre, just in case you forgot) in the working at the best of my abilities. I do try, but can try harder. Yet, I still tried. So... Now to the last category, from an evaluation of A~F, I think my studying habits would score a C ( which is mediocre, again) since for most of the time I prefer to do the english homework due on Tuesday on Sunday. Yet for somedays that are starting to become more regular, I leave it till the last minute.

2011年3月27日 星期日


The elements of style Cade Bambara used were allusion and dialect. In the story- " Raymond's run", Squeaky had made many allusions based on how people looked. For example, she had falsely assumed the Gretchen cannot beat her at the race due to the fact that she 1) had short legs 2) have freckles( this is soooo laughable)...etc. She also assumed that( I'm not sure whither this is true or not, but she did made an allusion here) her classmate who is smart( thought Squeaky refused to admit that) is a fake who pretends that everything comes easy for her. Who knows? Maybe she is one of those lucky girls who has everything planned out smoothly before her, unlike the rest of us who has to work at least twice as hard to get what she can easily get for free. I think Squeaky is jealous of that. Another element of literature Cade Bambara used in the story was the the element of dialect. Squeaky and her friends used many dialect from their habitat( I'm not really sure if this word " habitat" is appropriate in here, but due to the time being, I'll just leave it like that). " play the dozens" is an excellent example of a dialect which Squeaky used to refer to mean trading insults. Writers also used elements such as symbols, figures of speech...etc. The different styles of writing is what makes each unique.

2011年3月24日 星期四

Brainstorming a poem

Important person of my life: My brother
Adjectives: sneaky, pretentious, loving, funny, annoying, bombastic, caring, fast, big eyes, expansive sneakers.
What he looks like: A scrawny commentator with an angel smile.
Sounds like: comments and harsh laughter
Smell: bubble tea
taste: bubble tea
touch: hard and fistlike.

Haha, gotcha
he jumped at me and said
sneaky and filthy
I couldn't help but love him

Hehe, you stupid
he looked at me and said
pretentous and bombastic
I couldn't help but love him

Hoho, I'll tell
He smiled at me and said
annoying and spoiled rotten
I couldn't help but love him

hmmhmm, gave up
I glanced at him and sighed
sneaky anf filthy,
pretentous and bombastic,
annoying and spoiled rotten,
I couldn't help but love him.

2011年3月22日 星期二

End Game

Our group had contributed a lot of time and effort into this project. We met up three times in my house in one month and spent two hours after school just yesterday to piece the final product together. Despite all the hard work that we had done, I wasn't very satisfied with our final outcome since it had varied much from out original sketch. When I first thought about this board game, the floors were to be arranged in checkers manner and the walls( yeah, I even thought of putting walls. Ridiculous, now thinking) and decorate it with famous paintings that acts as a clue towards the game. The whole things is to to be carefully and well constructed looking similar to one of those castle game rooms from the olden days. I originally also thought that we can arrange the game box in a way similar to the rubric's cube, only simpler. Instead of having all the pieces, our game only needs to have four which can be switched around. Therefore, the players can have a different settlement every time. As in for the first floor/or the basement as most Taiwanese call it are suppose to have well constructed water areas with lands and prisons. ( I forgot to mention that in certain points of the prison, you can find a way to actually get down to the basement). Anyway, our originally design is a lot more complex and difficult. Yet, since our group's realist hadn't been doing a really good job keeping us real and everything. The project turned out to be a minor disappointment to us.

2011年3月21日 星期一


Before I start, I would like to state that I had quite a um....how do you say it? Busy week? Homeworks and tests had been knocking on my door and forcing me to open, which is why I am doing this journal late. Anyway, some slangs I could think of at the top of my head right now are " lol", " Lmfao", "lamo", ":D" " Xoxo", "xd", " BFF", " bad"( hahaha, this one never fail to entertain me), " meatball"( Roars of laughter. This one is even better!), "peg",  " cool", " sick"...etc. A few slangs that me and my friends outside of campus( if our school counts as one) are " Red wood", "", Morobike...etc. To be perfectly honest, I don't use a lot of slangs. Which is why completing this assignment is so difficult for me. To tell the truth, I doubt that anyone except those two who came from US and Canada would really know any real english slangs. We live in the peaceful Pacific American restricted neighborhood( hahaha) and we don't see much of the outside world. The school kept all the bad things out, and some good things too. Regardless of how it seems. Yes, I know you probably cannot understand a word right now of what I was typing due to the grammatical and spelling errors that I had made. And that's perfectly fine and normal, since by this point IH had reached the minimum of 200 words and am pleased to mark the end of this journal entry.


Doing my homework right now is as if walking on sheer glass, the pain cannot be avoided. Making the Westing game board game is as if riding on a roller coaster that only goes up one hill. Once you got over the excitement, it pretty much goes downhill from there. Doing your math homework is like riding on a roller coaster, there are rises and falls. Being a student is like pulling teeth since both are very hard to do. The Westing Game is as if going through a haunted house in Disney Land when exciting things unfolds one by one( for those who are about...eh.....um....ten? seven? four? three? Or perhaps eleven? I've heard of people who are still very much scared of the disneyland haunted house. Yet I guess I'm not the one to talk since I have never been into one. Now I realized that I had gone completely off topic, and I do apologize for that. 12:05 really isn't the best time to do your blogging assignment. Oh, and I Had just gone off topic again. Oops. Sorry.). Doing this blogging assignment right now is as if numbering the stars in the sky that are just endless. 

2011年3月17日 星期四


The reason that the author uses the element of misconception is to add the element of suspense into the story. And where there is suspense, there is excitement, and where there is excitement, there are excited readers. The author's use of misconception really conjured me to read the book as well, my curiosity just seemed to have gotten the better of me. Since to be perfectly honest, I am never too excited about a class novel but this one is different. And now, I confess that I had officially ran out of things to write for this journal entry. Which is the main reason that I am blabbering jiberish right now with such poor grammar and spelling. Seriously, this doesn't happen often. Infact, this is kind of the only journal entry that I am really stuck at. I wonder how others had wrote about in this journal entry. Anyway, back to the topic today, there is another author whose books I adored who also happened to be a master of misconception. The novel is about the black forrest in Germany. A girl and boy was lost in the woods

2011年3月15日 星期二

Fighting Words

Words are capable of leaving wounded scars that will never heal, which is why people fought over them. For me, I suppose the matter of when it is worth it fight for depends on the situation itself. For some people who was simply temporarily frustrated, especially little kids, yells criticisms all the time. Yet sad to say, most of them are aimless and can be directed to about everyone. For those words, I would choose to ignore just so I don't fall into the same category as them.  THere is another kind of criticisms however, that required people with more standard intelligence to say. Those words are sharp, right to the point, and aiming directly at you that will hit a nerve. It's as if feeling the pain of being punched in the gut, and know that the pain will follow you for the rest of your life... Actually to this point, I realized that no words are worth fight for. Aimless or not. Since you have no control what the others will say about you, so fighting will simply expose your immaturity and fear towards certain objects. Of course, it is easy for me to say here but actually quite hard to accomplish in real life. Which is what makes it so valuable. I am constantly engaged in verbal arguments with my ten/eleven year old brother, but now, I started to learn how to control myself and ignore those comments instead. And it worked out fine.

2011年3月11日 星期五


In this entry, I am again going to write about Michelle Corizone and the life lessons she had taught me. She had really made a great impact on my life and taught me many valuable lessons many had never came to know. Michelle Corizone was born in August 16, in a sunny town named Morrocow. Her mentally challenged state wasn't reconized until her late childhood, when reality crushed her parent's neglects and hope. Yet it was too late for any medication to take place, and Michelle is now doomed for a difficult journey as a child forever. Many made fun of her, and some even told her parents to give up on her but they didn't. They see Michelle as a blessing from God and will always treasure as their dear little girl, no matter how bad the situaion can be. I first met Michelle in a elementry school back in the States, where she was sitting at the corner of the classroom( her parents wouldn't let her go to a special school for fear that their daughter would not be able to adapt to society. I think it is partly due to their own experience, and they understood firsthandedly that it is really rather sad to have a dream that will never come true). Anyway, that's just add to her apparence didn't do much good either. Yet after meeting with her for a few times, I realized taht she is actually the most innocent and pure child I have ever met. And that taught me a valuable lesson.

2011年3月8日 星期二

Below the Surface

If there is something that Michelle had taught me,it is to never judge a book by it's cover. There is always more to a person than they appear to be. Tanned skin, nose distraughted, and small slitty eyed Michelle Sorten often conject the image of disney witch coming to life. And when she smiled, her wrinkles would bloom like flowers in the spring( weird description, I know) and that's just say that her yellow crooked teeth wasn't a a huge help either. I would like to say that I took her into my arms and murmured words of encouragement during our first encounterence, but that would be lying. To tell you the truth, I was disgraced and genuinely disgusted. It was as if the a dark peice of cloud had covered the sun( Exageration, ha. Obviously, I couldn't have been that shallow.) and I did, though shameful to admit, made many attemps to neglect her embrace. Yet she made it kind of impossible, as she followed me around to everywhere. I was annoyed at first, but didn't want to make a huge scene of it in front of the whole class. And as time pasts, I realized that Michelle is the single most docile person there ever has been on Earth. This proves that there is more to a person than their surface. I suppose.

2011年3月5日 星期六

Quiz or Circle

Personally, I prefer neither. Hand written quizzes for one, is plainly an obsolete that dates all the way back from the begining of the year. In other words, written quizes are what we students called " out of date" since last September. As in for the reading circle, please excuse me to say that it is a waste of time. Eight Grade students do not yet have the elements of concentration, or full responsiblity to handle a study group on their own. No one really has the leadership qualities to make the reading circle a success. So despite the roles that Mr. McCool had organized for us that are seemingly efficent, the cicle was rolling slower than the hour hand of a clock. Now before you jump to point out my bad qualitied work, keep in mind that what I had just presented can be heavily biased. And that you don't have to agree with every single thing( or anything) that I have just said. Anyway, I prefer the online quiz we first had at the behinning of the year. I mean, who wouldn't like to " sit in front of something called computer that they said will be popular in the future" as Mr. McCool puts it, and finish their homework? Sometimes doing so even makes the whole process a lot more enjoyable.

2011年3月3日 星期四

Your Game

My idea of the game is a combination of monopoly and clues. I would make a board of box and have players of 2~6. Inside a box will be a series of underlined stairs and ladders and so on, you need to draw clues and understand them in order to achieve the game which is to win. The winner might get a very special prize. The characters will obviously be Turtle, Angela...etc. The characters can team up in order to win a single objective, they can also become separate teams anytime they please. I was thinking of the design to be kind of similar to checkers, black and white. I am also thinking of putting cool paintings, and the whole board game can rotate and stuff, so that each time there will be a different thing and clues that people have to solve. And that will pretty much be it for my brain storming. Since for those who hadn't noticed, it's around eleven seventeen right now as I listened to an anonymous version of " Tic Toc" I randomly found on Youtube and decided that I like this version better, I'm really running out of all creativity. I wonder how the others are doing, but I am pretty sure that any one of them are doing a far better job that I am. Anyway, I'm totally off topic and I do apologize for that. For those who had the patience who continued reading to this sentence, I will end my journal right here. Thank you for reading.

2011年3月1日 星期二

Your Ending

Louder ! Louder! Louder! Louder! My hands flung over my chest, and felt...nothing. No! This cannot be! In ulteral desperation, I ripped open my wool coat and felt again- Nothing! Beneath my now wrinkled apparel and dry skin was the lacking heart beat. The officers stared at me with mocking horror, and their devious smiles seemed to have dug through my flesh and cutted through my bones. " Villens!" With a beastly shreik, I swung my fist and the devils rolled off their chairs and landed on their backs. And the red sea started to pile up until half of the furniture was driped with the devils' blood. And you, my dear gentlemans call ME mad? A madman would have ran away screaming, but not me. No. Instead, I refrained my mental satisfication and began to disamble the policemans lying on the floor. I can tell you one of them has hair as red as fire, another has hair as dark as night. This one has eyes of olives and this one has.-. Fear gripped my heart as I jumped back from the corpse, the corpse with the pale blue eyes. And screamed, and screamed, and screamed. " Wear off me! Why can't you wear off me!"  The night was last filled with my hedious cries.