2011年3月5日 星期六

Quiz or Circle

Personally, I prefer neither. Hand written quizzes for one, is plainly an obsolete that dates all the way back from the begining of the year. In other words, written quizes are what we students called " out of date" since last September. As in for the reading circle, please excuse me to say that it is a waste of time. Eight Grade students do not yet have the elements of concentration, or full responsiblity to handle a study group on their own. No one really has the leadership qualities to make the reading circle a success. So despite the roles that Mr. McCool had organized for us that are seemingly efficent, the cicle was rolling slower than the hour hand of a clock. Now before you jump to point out my bad qualitied work, keep in mind that what I had just presented can be heavily biased. And that you don't have to agree with every single thing( or anything) that I have just said. Anyway, I prefer the online quiz we first had at the behinning of the year. I mean, who wouldn't like to " sit in front of something called computer that they said will be popular in the future" as Mr. McCool puts it, and finish their homework? Sometimes doing so even makes the whole process a lot more enjoyable.

