2011年3月21日 星期一


Doing my homework right now is as if walking on sheer glass, the pain cannot be avoided. Making the Westing game board game is as if riding on a roller coaster that only goes up one hill. Once you got over the excitement, it pretty much goes downhill from there. Doing your math homework is like riding on a roller coaster, there are rises and falls. Being a student is like pulling teeth since both are very hard to do. The Westing Game is as if going through a haunted house in Disney Land when exciting things unfolds one by one( for those who are about...eh.....um....ten? seven? four? three? Or perhaps eleven? I've heard of people who are still very much scared of the disneyland haunted house. Yet I guess I'm not the one to talk since I have never been into one. Now I realized that I had gone completely off topic, and I do apologize for that. 12:05 really isn't the best time to do your blogging assignment. Oh, and I Had just gone off topic again. Oops. Sorry.). Doing this blogging assignment right now is as if numbering the stars in the sky that are just endless. 

