2011年3月15日 星期二

Fighting Words

Words are capable of leaving wounded scars that will never heal, which is why people fought over them. For me, I suppose the matter of when it is worth it fight for depends on the situation itself. For some people who was simply temporarily frustrated, especially little kids, yells criticisms all the time. Yet sad to say, most of them are aimless and can be directed to about everyone. For those words, I would choose to ignore just so I don't fall into the same category as them.  THere is another kind of criticisms however, that required people with more standard intelligence to say. Those words are sharp, right to the point, and aiming directly at you that will hit a nerve. It's as if feeling the pain of being punched in the gut, and know that the pain will follow you for the rest of your life... Actually to this point, I realized that no words are worth fight for. Aimless or not. Since you have no control what the others will say about you, so fighting will simply expose your immaturity and fear towards certain objects. Of course, it is easy for me to say here but actually quite hard to accomplish in real life. Which is what makes it so valuable. I am constantly engaged in verbal arguments with my ten/eleven year old brother, but now, I started to learn how to control myself and ignore those comments instead. And it worked out fine.

